Every human being has a right to education throughout her and his life. It is our task as a community to provide a wide range of services for this purpose.
High-quality care is already necessary for early childhood education. The community must continue to provide sufficient space in the future, taking demographic developments into account. However, it must also create an attractive offer for good carers in close exchange with the individual institutions and their sponsors. The Aying Green Party demands a long-term strategy to attract and retain qualified personnel.
The community supports parents of primary school children by providing age-appropriate afternoon education.
We consider it important to create more educational opportunities for adults. This can be done, for example, in cooperation with neighboring communities and their educational institutions. The aim is to establish such offers in our community in the future.
The connecting element for all age groups in education is our established communal library, the positive development of which we will support in close exchange with those responsible and users.
Aying – committed to the common good
It must be the primary goal of a community to enable all citizens to participate equally in public life. These include, above all, reducing social inequalities, integrating immigrants and implementing inclusion in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This idea of public welfare is to be anchored more firmly in all our municipal institutions in the future. We meet this responsibility by creating a suitable position in the administration. The Green Party sees the community as a partner that on the one hand serves as an open point of contact and on the other hand proactively approaches and involves citizens.
It is important to us that the principle of equal treatment applies to all citizens and institutions.
The over-65-year-old group is also the fastest growing part of the population in Aying. We take this development into account by appointing a senior representative. Regular feedback on the concerns of older people from our village to the local council and the administration is one of the central tasks.
The concept of the common good always includes a specific focus on women’s rights and gender equality. The community in its role model function must ensure equal pay, balanced filling of its own jobs and flexible time models for all employees. By using our right to have a say, we are working towards greater gender equality outside our own area of responsibility.
Hearing and appreciating children and young people
The social space analysis has shown that in eight years about 30% more children and young adults will live in our community. One of the great tasks of the Green Party in the coming years will be to listen to their concerns. To this end, we call for the creation of a youth council that is independent of political parties and associations as well as the establishment of procedures for democratic participation for children and young people under 18 (e.g. U18 elections).