The Green Party does not distinguish people by their origin. Irrespective of whether they were born here or whether they came to us from somewhere else, Aying should be a home worth living in for everyone. For us, actively living this thought means giving newcomers and locals the chance to meet at eye level and learn from each other. To this end, we establish appropriate educational, cultural and supporting offers, such as multilingual information on the community homepage or the organization of joint events.
A comprehensive integration guideline will integrate and further develop the experience gained so far and serve as a conceptual basis for all actors involved in the future.
Right-wing populism and right-wing extremism have no place in our community. We oppose all attempts to exclude the term „homeland“. Aying is home to all those who feel at home here, respect the Constitution and the social life of the community.
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Open cultural work as a task of the municipality
We understand culture as a connecting, integrative element between people of different origins and abilities.
Our community scores culturally through a large number of clubs and societies. They preserve traditions and customs, strengthen the village community and offer a wide range of sports. However, a balanced cultural offer also includes a creative, artistically creating scene that is independent of societies. One of our goals for the next parliamentary term is to stimulate and promote these as well.
A European partner community can additionally promote the cultural life in Aying. We strengthen the idea of a „Europe of Regions“ and enrich our village life by opening up new perspectives.
We understand the community archive as an instrument of a living culture of remembrance of our place. It serves as a basis for understanding Aying’s history and linking it to the present. In order to learn from history, what has happened must be named and the appropriate consequences drawn for peaceful coexistence. That goes for Aying, for Germany and for all of us.