Nature and the environment form the basis of life for all of us. Our goal is to protect our valuable drinking water, to preserve intact landscapes, to upgrade threatened habitats in the long term and, if necessary, to restore them to their natural condition. The Green Party has a variety of concepts for this.
Municipal areas are not treated with pesticides and are only mown at reasonable intervals. Leases are primarily made according to ecological criteria.
We look at private compensation areas with regard to their biological importance and pay attention to their long-term preservation as valuable retreat areas for animals and plants.
We have to be careful with vacant areas, and in the case of built-up but unused areas we have to consistently check the possibility of unsealing and, if necessary, apply it.
An ecological community is a community of short distances, regional marketing and the use of local resources. Aying still needs the necessary structures for this. In this way we create new high-quality markets for the local farmers.
Ecology and regionality are our top priorities when drawing up a municipal procurement guide.
With climate-friendly energy into the future
The most climate-friendly energy is the one we don’t use in the first place. Our top priorities are therefore efficiency and savings. This can be done by energetic refurbishment of municipal buildings, consideration of energy efficiency in new municipal acquisitions and regular training of the responsible employees, to name just a few examples.
We obtain the necessary amount of electricity and heat from regenerative energy sources according to ecologically sensible aspects. In the long term, we aim to make our community energy self-sufficient. All future decisions regarding municipal energy supply will be taken against this background. We achieve the highest acceptance for an Aying energy turnaround by creating participation models from which our citizens can benefit directly.
Keeping value added in the community
As a sustainable community, we must become financially stronger in the long term in order to be able to implement the measures the Green Party is striving for.
We use the locational advantages of our community to locate ecologically and socially compatible companies and crafts enterprises. Through appropriate incentives, we also enable smaller companies to be part of a diverse local value chain.
The economic future of our community continues to lie not in large, in the open countryside built companies, but in versatile (family) businesses.
Added value on site means that everyone benefits:
- the community through long-term secured tax revenues;
- the companies through secure locations and a good infrastructure;
- the people living here through a diverse range of goods, jobs and apprenticeships;
- the environment through short distances and less commuter traffic.
A central prerequisite for our Green ideas of a financially strong, lively community is the provision of fast Internet. We make full use of all possibilities for improvement and ensure that the laying of fiber optic cable into the house becomes the standard for new developments.