How do we want to live in our community in the future? What will happen to our environment and how will our homeland develop in the next legislative period? What answers can we find to the relevant questions that already concern us, e.g. mobility, climate protection and housing?

The Ayinger Green Party has developed viable solutions for this election program on all important issues. The foundations of all our actions are:
Transparency and civic participation
Although this sounds so obvious, real implementation of transparency and citizen participation is a challenging process that the Green Party finally wants to move forward with.
Green politics in our community always takes place in public discourse. All our meetings are announced on our homepage, our decisions are discussed together and made accessible to all afterwards. We actively call on citizens to contribute their ideas and proposals and seek solutions that are supported by as large a majority as possible.
This approach is also necessary at the community level. It requires more time and commitment than arrangements in a small circle. Social consensus and successful municipal work demand transparency and closeness to the citizens in all areas. All active members of the local association have jointly developed our election program. How we implement our contents in the local council should be comprehensible for the population, combined with broad offers for participation.